Bookmarklets are little JavaScript programs that fit into a bookmark.
They can be used just like normal bookmarks by clicking on them.
They can perform all kinds of tasks and make modifications to the page
you are viewing.
To test a bookmarklet click on the link.
To install a bookmarklet simply "right-click" on a link and save it as
a bookmark (or favorite) or drag it to your bookmarks.
You can then run the bookmarklet when visiting any page, by
clicking on the bookmark.
← Indicates a directly installable bookmarklet.
Meta Information About Sites
Whois Info - Opens a new window with whois info from for the current site.
Alexa Traffic Details - Opens a new window with the Alexa traffic details report for the current site.
Netcraft Site Report - Opens a new window with Netcraft site report for the current site.
Google search this domain - Search within the current domain using Google. Attempts to search in the lowest possible domain related to the current site (e.g. -> However the list of all second level domains (like is currently incomplete, so this search might still search a level too low.
Google search selected text - Select some text on a page and search for it on Google. If you didn't select some text, you'll be prompted for some text to enter manually.
Linkify - Make all URLs clickable. Adapted from the Greasemonkey user script with the same name at (try to make this URL clickable). Works in Firefox and Opera only.
Language Tools
Translate Webpages - Bookmarklets that translate the page you are visiting.
Google definition - Select a word or some text on a page and search for the definition of it on Google. If you didn't select some text, you'll be prompted for some text to enter manually.
YourDictionary definition - Select a word or some text on a page and search for the definition of it on YourDictionary. If you didn't select some text, you'll be prompted for some text to enter manually.