Recommended Software
Our list of free high quality software that we recommended:
- Firefox - The only independent browser. The only non-profit browser. The only browser, whose primary goal is to serve you.
- Thunderbird - A professional e-mail application from the same people who brought you Firefox.
- LibreOffice - A fully featured, fully compatible, office suite. It's free and saves you from having to purchase Microsoft Office.
- Pidgin - A multi-protocol Instant Messaging client that allows you to use all of your IM accounts at once.
- gimp - The GNU Image Manipulation Program.
- hugin - Panorama photo stitcher. Stitch any series of overlapping pictures into a complete panorama.
- Bitcoin - A P2P virtual currency that works much like cash, but then in the virtual world.
Operating Systems:
- Ubuntu - A popular Linux distribution. Linux for human beings.
- Fedora - A professional desktop environment from market leader Red Hat.