StatEye Website Statistics |
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Sometimes referred to as the management overview, this section presents a quick overview of your site's traffic and performance.
The information shown is:
Details about the top visitors, these are:
You can set the number of visits to show details for by running setup in advanced mode or editing the configuration file manually.
For each indicated range of pageviews this overview shows how many visitor sessions made that many pageviews. This is an indication of how much visitors stay on your site.
This section shows the total pageviews in all the files in and below a particular directory. This must not be interpreted as pageviews to the indicated directories.
Shows for each page listed how often it was visited.
For each page listed this shows how often it was the first page seen during a visit to your site.
For each page listed this shows how often it was the last page seen during a visit to your site.
Shows for each query listed how often it was used and how many click-throughs were made on which result page.
Note: the click-throughs also count clicks on links that were not part of the search results.
This section lists all the referrers to your site grouped by referring domain name and sorted by the number of visitors that were sent to your site. Referrers are usually search engines and pages containing links to your site.
Per referring domain name we list the number of pageviews that were made by those visitors, the number of carts they created and the steps in your sales path that were made by those visitors.
This section basically allows you to see the quality of the visitors you are getting from each referring domain and by implication how well each referrer performs.
This section is identical to the Referrer Domains section except that it reports the results for each referring URL.
Shows how often each listed search engine was used to find your site.
Lists the queries made on search engines sorted by the number of times that they were used. For each query we show, if possible, which type of query it was, i.e. for a web page, an image or something else. If possible we also show the starting point of the range of resuls in which the page was found. An indication how deep the user went into the search results. If empty or 0 this usually indicates that it was found in the first page of results. On Google this would typically be results 1 to 10 of a query. Any other number indicates how many results were skipped. On Google a 10 would mean that your link was on the second page of results, the page starting with result number 11, i.e. 10 results were skipped.
Shows how often a particular word was used in a search on one of the known search engines.
Lists the number of pageviews made from each top level domain.
If you have set IP numbers of visitors to be resolved to DNS names (the default setting) StatEye will attempt to determine the top level domain (TLD) of each visitor.
One can attempt to determine the country of origin of a visitor with this information, for example a .nl TLD probably means The Netherlands. But a .com or .net TLD might mean the visitor came from the U.S.A. but there is a good chance that that is not the case.
A large number of IP addresses does not resolve to a DNS name, for those the TLD will be unknown. Some IP numbers even resolve to incorrect DNS names.
Lists the number of pageviews and visits per rendering engine.
Browsers generally use a rendering engine to display pages. Different browsers may still use the same rendering engine. For example Firefox, Mozilla and Netscape all use Gecko. The major rendering engines are:
Lists the number of pageviews and visits per browser.
Analysis of the user agent string generally allows us to determine which browser a visitor was using. StatEye aggregates this data into totals per browser and per browser version (next section).
Lists the number of pageviews and visits per browser version.
Lists the number of pageviews and visits per operating system. In this section the totals are aggregated into operating system families, such as Windows, Macintosh and Linux.
Lists the number of pageviews and visits per operating system version. We use the operating system as indicated in the user agent string. These are some important OS strings and the OS they indicate:
Windows NT 6.1 Windows 7 Windows NT 6.0 Windows Vista Windows NT 5.2 Windows XP Professional Windows NT 5.1 Windows XP Windows NT 5.0 Windows 2000 Win 9x 4.90 Windows Millennium Edition Windows 98 Windows 98 Mac OS X Macintosh OS X iPhone iPhone Linux Linux (all distributions)
Lists the number of pageviews per date.
Lists the number of pageviews per hour of the day. Totals per hour for all the days in a report.
This section contains a number of technical details. Such as which version of StatEye and the definitions you are using, which configurations you have set, an overview of the analyzed log and some information about the process itself.
Note: If you encounter a problem for which you need assistance it may help to send the contents of this section along with your request.
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